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Federal Employee Holiday Calendar

There are many calendars out there that list holidays. This is NOT supposed to be just another one of those. Yes, it does list holidays, but only the holidays that federal employees do not have to work. Also, many of the dates are different from the date that the holiday is celebrated. Any holiday that falls on a weekend will be listed on either a Friday or Monday, because that is the day that federal employees don’t have to work. The calendar can be subscribed to at webcal://www.littlefamily.us/calendars/federal_holidays.ics [See new link below].

I mainly developed the calendar for myself, so if you don’t like it don’t complain to me. The holidays are automatically downloaded and updated from http://www.opm.gov/Operating_Status_Schedules/fedhol/. Currently, it downloads five years on either side of the current year. However, this can easily be changed if someone has a need for it. If anyone has any comments or suggestions feel free to post them (that doesn’t mean I will have time to implement them). I just thought I would post the calendar here in case anybody wants it. Enjoy!

Edit (8/16/2009): I had to change a few things due to a few clients (particularly Thunderbird/Lightning) downloading updates from the website every few minutes. I added HTTP caching (via the “Expire” and “ETag” headers) for a whole month to lighten up bandwidth usage. I also changed the calendar from 5 years before and after the current year to 1 year before and after the current year. If you have any problems with the calendar be sure and let me know, so I can get them fixed.

Edit (1/5/2013): I added a Google public calendar that is based off this calendar. As of this writing it is updated through the year 2020. This way if something happens to this website, the calendar will still be available. I am also attempting to redirect all the current calendar subscriptions to the new one. Hopefully it works. If something goes wrong, please resubscribe to the Google calendar at https://www.google.com/calendar/ical/fboma9t388rafo3daake50jk8c@group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics